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Hand bouquet

Hand bouquet

Hand bouquet - Products

Sunflower Bouquet

This hand bouquet is available for PICK UP only :) ..

super sunshine

3 stalks of sunflower with white peacok, baby's breath and tea cut ..accompanied with el..

sweet bouquet

colorful and vibrant bouquet with stunning yellow lilies, eustomas , gebras roses and assorted fille..

sweet carnations

18 sweet pink carnations with berry and baby's breath created this lovely bouquet of flowers! &nb..


Red & Pink Roses with leaves and fillers wrapped in various colour papers :) Simple yet elegant!..

sweet sweet bouquet

This bouquet has 21 stalks of red roses and 21 pieces of roche chocolates and an ..


2 Toned Pink Roses with White Baby's Breath etc in soft pink wrappers. Special PINK for PINK lovers~..


Two Tone Pink Roses Hand Bouquet  20 stalks of two tone pink India roses with Baby's Breath,..

Tulip Bouquet

Holland pink tulip with yellow caspher & white sweet william wrapped with 3 different wrapp..

Twenty Six

26 Red & White India Roses along with White & Purple Baby's Breath and Berries~ ..


Carnations, Rose hand bouquet in pink wrapper :) Size is medium as photo shown  ..

Wedding Baby Pink Roses Bouquet

24 pink roses with pink orchids, wax flowers and baby's breath with  string of beads and layers..

Wedding Daisy Bouquet

mixture of daisys, astromerias, mini roses, casphia, euphobia, etc tied up in dry orchid roots..uniq..

    Showing 61 to 75 of 79 (6 Pages)
    Showing 61 to 75 of 79 (6 Pages)